Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Lent - Easter - Pentecost
Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Lent - Easter - Pentecost
Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés
Continuing the popular children’s series, El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 3: Cantos para Cuaresma, Pascua y Pentecostés consists of both print and CD recordings in line with the National Directory of Catechesis. Inspiring new generations, these songs and beautiful recordings will support parents that are studying Catechesis alongside their children, while catechists and choir directors will discover new favorites that can be used from the classroom to the liturgy. Below are just some of the seasonal songs that will help call young people closer to God.
For Lent
The popular “Con Estas Cenizas/With Ashes and Sorrow, O Lord” by Lourdes Montgomery is now available in a bilingual format with English text translated by Diana Macalintal, ideal for bilingual Ash Wednesday services. Additionally, “40 Días en el Desierto,” a narrative based on the temptation of Christ in the Judaean desert, will inspire younger generations throughout the season of Lent with its upbeat style.
For Holy Week
Angelically sung by Anna Betancourt and a children’s choir, “Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna,” will enrich Palm Sunday celebrations, while “Te Adoramos, Oh Cristo/We Adore You, O Christ” will inspire children and youth during Stations of the Cross and Good Friday services.
For the Season of Easter
“Cristo, el Mesías, Resucitó,” “Entonemos Himnos de Pascua (Porque Cristo Vive)” and “Alégrate, María” are songs that the entire family or class can sing. And the beloved Easter song from the Dominican Republic, “Cristo Resucitó/Christ Is Risen,” is now available with English text.
For Ascension and Pentecost
“Alaben al Que Vive,” with a powerful interpretation by Azeneth González, is a joyful song for the Ascension of the Lord, and “Ven, Ven, Espíritu Santo” by Iván Díaz celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Track Listing:
Con Estas Cenizas/With Ashes and Sorrow, O Lord (Lourdes Montgomery; Eng. Trad. Diana Macalintal) | 40 Días en el Desierto (Rodolfo López) | Creo/I Believe (Estela García-López/Rodolfo López) | Es Jesús (Koren & Jessca Ruiz) | Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna (Anna Betancourt) | Te Adoramos, Oh Cristo/We Adore You, O Christ (Jaime Cortez) | Cristo, el Mesías, Resucitó (Koren & Jessica Ruiz) | Alégrate, María (Juan A. Espinosa) | Cristo Resucitó/Christ Is Risen (Luis Bojos; Eng. Trad. Estela García-López) | Camino a Emaús (Silvio Cuéllar) | Entonemos Himnos de Pascua (Porque Cristo Vive) (Carmelo Erdozáin) | ¿Me Amas Más Que Estos? (Santiago Fernández) | Alaben al Que Vive (Azeneth González) | Ven, Ven, Espíritu Santo (Iván Díaz) | Nada Podrá Apartarnos de Tu Amor (Damaris Thillet)
Learn more about El Señor Nos Invita and El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 2.